Category / 4x4 Series

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  • Space Needle Downtown Seattle Washington Street Photography

    4×4 Series: Space Needle

    Haven’t done much of a 4×4 Series lately due to the lack of motivation. However, this week I bring you one of Seattle’s most iconic landmark: the Space Needle. Yes it may be cliche, but it is a beautiful sight. I always try to find a different perspective every time I’m in downtown. Below are…

  • 4x4 Series in Downtown Tacoma Washington with Fog

    4×4 Series: Fog

    This week’s “4×4 Series” introduces fog in the city. The other night, my good friend Spencer (@spenrol) and I went into downtown Tacoma for some street photography. We made it just in time to capture some fog and boy did was it awesome! I try my best to get out into the city as long…

  • 4x4 Photo Series Lights and Shadows in Seattle Washington Street Photography

    4×4 Series: Lights and Shadows

    Seattle looking great on a clear sunny day. Had to take advantage of those lights and shadows all over the city. I shot about 100 photos and only decided to keep 50 due to some being out of focus. I took my time on some of these as I waited people to walk in the…