Photography Terms

Photography Terms Thrown Around

Photography terms these days are being thrown around like nothing.

I’m not tying to bash anybody, but when it comes to Instagram, there are “creatives” work that all look same.

Some people like to run before they walk and end up copying other “creatives”.

Is it hurting photography in a way?

Or is it setting a new norm?

From my own perspective, I love to see new niches or projects from time to time.

Anybody can take a photo of a famous landmarks and post it on social media with a random preset.

But what does it set it apart?

Is it the time and energy it took to get to the location?

The cinematic look on the photo or the gear used to take the photo?

It’s really difficult to stand out in photography due to the amount of people putting out similar content.

There are some terms that sound cool and hip.

For example, visuals.

On the other hand, it sounds so “cliche”.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the term “visuals” originate from Instagram?

Point is, understand what some terms mean and look both ways, up and down, and at different angles before crossing the street.